Monday, January 31, 2011

CORE fitness workout - 1/29/11

We’ve been plagued by snowstorms every week for the last 3 weeks – causing me to cancel my HIT workouts since I work from home on those days and Pulse Gym is near my office in Greenwich, CT.


So, I took the opportunity to sign up at a local gym in my town, CORE Fitness.  I’ve been going there at least weekly and performing a HIT-like workout…maybe HIT Lite is a better name.


Saturday, Jan 29th

Dead Lift on Hammer Strength: maxed out at 3 reps at 375 lb.s

Overhead Press on Icarian machine: maxed at 3 reps at 200 lb.s, got one rep at 220 lbs but form was bad

Leg Press on Hammer Strength: 5 sets of 3-4 reps at 375 lb.s

Curl on bent bar: 5 sets of 3-5 reps at 100 lb.s


I had also gone the Sunday before but forgot to post and don’t now remember the reps or weights:


Sunday, Jan 23rd

Squat on Icarian machine

Bench Press on Nautilus Nitro

Seated Row on Nautilus Nitro

Pull Down on Nautilus Nitro

Curl on Nautilus Nitro

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