Monday, March 15, 2010

Body By Science update

On Dr. Doug McGuff's blog today...


Body by Science has been recognized by some of the greatest thinkers today. Nassim Taleb has made mention of our approach in one Chapter of his new edition of the Black Swan. Dr. Leonard Peikoff has communicated with us about BBS exercise philosophy and is now training the BBS way. I also look forward to speaking at The 21 convention in Orlando this Summer, and I am honored to be included in a list of amazing speakers at the Ancestral Health Symposium in Los Angeles in Summer 2011. I am grateful to BBS and Ultimate Exercise for keeping me moving forward.


Kevin said...

Hi Kevin,

My name is Kevin as well and I also practice Nautilus-based training along with being an Objectivist. I was curious to see your comments about Leonard Peikoff. I used to listen to his online radio show back in the late 90's but since then, haven't heard much from him. You say that he trains according to Body By Science principles?

Rick chartrand said...

Leonard Peikoff regularly produces podcasts which can be downloaded for free from iTunes