Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gym Workout - Jan 8th

I joined NY Sports Club for the new year.  I’m thinking I will scale back my HIT workouts to every other week, and intersperse regular gym workouts at least twice in between.  Today was my first day at the gym near my house…


I did the following exercises:

1.       Hammer Squat machine – 5 sets of about 5 reps each, increasing weights up to 360 lb.s

2.       Bench Press (free weights) – 5 sets of about 3 reps each, at 180 lb.s

3.       Hammer Strength Row (hanging down) – 5 sets of 5 reps each – can’t remember weight

4.       Hammer Strength Pull Down – 5 sets to failure – last set was static hold – increasing weights to 200 lb.s


That was it – I ran out of time due to home obligations…the pull down had me exhausted anyway.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This amazing gym workout plan brings a lot of benefits especially to the hopeless. This whole new way of healthy living will make you become an expert after completing the sessions. It will stop your gym routines agony. It will certainly help you cheat your diet and take away calorie concerning matters. You will have high tolerance to stress due to progressive training and effective routines. This will definitely boost your level of energy and self-confidence. The product guarantees to bring out your massive muscles in the minimal time of 45 days.